Webinar: How You Can AFFORD to Advance Climate Action and Strategically Plan for Federal Funding and Incentives

  • Wed, November 15
  • 2:30 p.m. ET
  • Virtual

About This Event

Join RMI and the World Resources Institute for the sixth installment of our Federal Funding Learning Series to introduce our “AFFORD” tool and unpack relevant upcoming federal opportunities. “AFFORD” (America’s Federal Funding Opportunities and Resources for Decarbonization) makes it easy for state and local governments, tribes, higher education, faith, health care, and cultural institutions to find, compare, and prioritize federal funding opportunities for clean energy and decarbonization projects.

AFFORD is the latest upgrade to the tool formerly known as FFOLD, now packed with more Inflation Reduction Act incentives and redesigned for easier navigation and a broader audience.

The webinar includes:

  1. An overview of the tool and our highly tactical “Funding Guidance”
  2. A highlight of a few upcoming federal programs and incentives that should be on your radar
  3. A deep dive on the process for receiving direct pay with Amy Turner, Director of the Cities Climate Law Initiative at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, and Senior Advisor at the Sustainable Cities Fund
  4. Q&A

We welcome previous participants and new attendees alike. Check out our previous episodes if you are new to this series.

We hope you’re able to join us!


Amy Turner

Director of the Cities Climate Law Initiative at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, and Senior Advisor at the Sustainable Cities Fund

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Alex Dane

Senior Manager, Clean Energy Innovation & Partnerships at WRI

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Matthew Popkin

Manager, US Program

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Jingyi Tang

Senior Associate, US Program

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Tansy Massey-Green

Senior Associate, US Program

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VIDEO: How You Can AFFORD to Advance Climate Action and Strategically Plan for Federal Funding & Incentives

Watch the webinar on demand here

Watch Now
PRESENTATION: How You Can AFFORD to Advance Climate Action and Strategically Plan for Federal Funding and Incentives

Webinar presentation deck
