Roadmapping Resolutions and RFPs:
These samples were created by other local governments working on housing electrification efforts, and can give guidance and inspiration as you work to establish your own team.
Electrifying a community’s housing stock is a complex and lengthy process. While local government staff is ultimately tasked with deploying the policies and programs driving this transition, planning necessitates collaboration with a wide variety of other stakeholders. Building a planning team capable of representing and engaging various stakeholders is the first step toward creating a community-driven roadmap.
These samples were created by other local governments working on housing electrification efforts, and can give guidance and inspiration as you work to establish your own team.
Make the case for developing an electrification roadmap to local decision makers (mayor’s office, city manager/administrator, council members, etc.) and secure their buy-in. Budget local government funding and plan additional fundraising efforts for the partnerships outlined below.
This resource allows local government officials to quickly search for federal grant opportunities, many of which can be used for community roadmapping efforts.
Designate at least one staff member (from sustainability, housing, or environment department) for the roadmap development process. Staffing requirements can vary significantly based on the roles and responsibilities of other core partners.
Strengthen the planning team by engaging additional local government departments. Your roadmap writing could become a collaborative effort between some departments (especially housing, which can guide housing affordability initiatives), while others may simply be informed or consulted through regular meetings and/or review periods. Consider engaging the following departments: housing; building; community development; planning and zoning; economic development; public works; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and attorney’s office.
Local governments must also engage organizations or constituents representing a range of communities in your jurisdiction. Historically marginalized and underserved communities are essential partners and co-creators who can ensure roadmapping efforts address the challenges and opportunities most prevalent in these communities. The right community-based organization(s) can serve as “anchor partners” that represent ESJ community interests in early planning discussions, connect the planning team to a broad network of community stakeholders, and lead outreach and education efforts.
Ecosystem mapping identifies potential anchor partner organizations with the expertise, track record, and capacity to support cities and counties in assessing equity impacts, setting equity goals, and designing a process to codevelop comprehensive decarbonization policies.
Local governments may elect to hire consultant organizations to lead parts of the roadmap development process (most commonly research and analysis efforts) based on available in-house staff capacity and expertise, budget, and desired timeline. Funding sources for these consultants include the local government’s general fund, state and federal grants, and philanthropic entities.