Process Guide and Roadmap Template:
Use this document as a starting point for outlining your community-led process and the roadmap you ultimately publish. The process guide in this document mimics the structure and content of this online toolkit.
Follow a roadmap writing process that first clarifies the scope, goals, and equity principles of your roadmapping efforts to inform the other content detailed in this toolkit. Be sure to define the necessary level of community engagement and ownership at each step of the roadmap writing process.
Use this document as a starting point for outlining your community-led process and the roadmap you ultimately publish. The process guide in this document mimics the structure and content of this online toolkit.
Use this step to refine a shared vision across your team. What problems are you trying to solve? Who is your audience? What outcomes and next steps do you want to drive toward?
Consider using this guide as a starting point.
These define the destination your roadmap is working toward and the guardrails necessary to prevent negative side effects on ESJ communities. Clearly defining these pieces of your roadmap is essential for identifying the suite of policies and programs that can achieve those conditions over time. Consider using the Equity Principles, Defining Strategy, and/or Near-Term Priority Targets worksheets in the Community Collaboration Workbook for this step.
While it is essential to collect community feedback before drafting most sections of your roadmap, this public comment and review period provides an important opportunity for community members who were not as involved in the initial drafting to digest the preliminary recommendations established through your efforts. Update your roadmap with feedback collected here and how you addressed it.
The roadmaps you develop are living documents that should be frequently updated based on market developments and community feedback. Ensure your team plans for the iterative process of updating these roadmaps over time.