solar panels with view of city in background

Corporate Commitments and Emissions Explorer

To avoid catastrophic climate change, companies need to reduce operational and supply chain emissions in the immediate future. Many companies have already taken steps to lower emissions and/or committed to targets. The corporate commitments and emissions explorer tool illustrates how these commitments and actions affect emissions.

How to use the tool

Use this tool to see how nearly 7,000 companies across 14 sectors can help drive climate transitions. This visual uses data derived from self-reported emissions data provided by CDP and publicly accessible data on commitments and economic indicators. For further information about our methods please see documentation here.

To report any misrepresented data or issues with the dashboard please contact

About the authors

To connect with the authors directly about their research, please connect with them on LinkedIn. To report any misrepresented data or issues with the dashboard please contact For media inquiries or speaking opportunities, please contact Marissa Gantman at

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