Clean Energy 101: Thermal Batteries
The why, what, and how of this technology that's helping eliminate fossil fuel combustion in industrial heating.
The why, what, and how of this technology that's helping eliminate fossil fuel combustion in industrial heating.
How industrial heat pump manufacturers can connect with customers to demonstrate value and build partnerships to create market momentum.
Realigning steel production to achieve climate goal would help improve the health of communities and the long-term competitiveness of the industry - critical for safeguarding jobs in the Great Lakes and ensuring Great Lakes states…
Fertilizer production has a high climate cost. Here, we take a look at the most promising technologies to produce low-carbon ammonia — fertilizer’s building block.
From compost piles to methane-sensing robotic dogs, Orange County is reimagining landfill management to reduce pollution and benefit communities.
How does fertilizer drive carbon pollution, and how did we get here?…
Could connecting buyers to near zero emission iron and scaling market mechanisms like book and claim stimulate the technology investments to enable the global steel transition?…
How product definition drives emissions reductions in a climate-differentiated polyester value chain, and its role in stimulating demand for lower-emissions chemicals.
The industrial permitting process in California remains long and complicated. This memo outlines key challenges and solutions.
A roadmap of initiatives for scaling greenhouse gas removal technologies and carbon dioxide removal technologies from now until 2050.