The State of Utility Planning, 2024 Q4
A review of all integrated resource plans for electric utilities across the United States to evaluate progress toward a zero-carbon energy future.
A review of all integrated resource plans for electric utilities across the United States to evaluate progress toward a zero-carbon energy future.
Coal plants running at financial losses are costing US communities billions in health-related expenses.
Regulators in the Western United States must understand the key drivers of resource adequacy risk and the options available to navigate them.
Federal incentives, interconnection queue shortcuts, strong engagement and support from the community and local workers, and an involved regulator helped lead the way for to transition a coal community into a clean energy driver.
IRP modeling assumptions must be reassessed to align planning with the needs of an increasingly decentralized, flexible, and weather-dependent grid.
A regulatory gap has led to a costly shift in utility investment to local transmission assets, putting the energy transition at risk.
Through the Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment program, utility grid investments can be much more affordable and just as reliable.
Recommendations for utility modelers and regulators to maximize ratepayer savings using low-cost federal loans.
How Regulators and Utilities Can Leverage and Improve Climate Risk Assessment Frameworks to Drive an Affordable and Equitable Transition.
The solutions and resources that will help our nation weather the years ahead are right in front of us; how fast we realize them is up to us.