Mia is a manager in the Climate Aligned Industries team, working to decarbonize heavy industry and transportation.
Previously, Mia was a senior associate in RMI’s Urban Transformation Program, which focuses on helping cities around the world simultaneously reduce emissions, enhance urban livability, increase resilience, and advance social equity. The program offers cities targeted technical assistance, capacity building, analytical capabilities, and facilitation support to help them turn their climate and environmental justice commitments to action.
Mia first joined RMI as an intern in the City Renewables Accelerator in 2020 and as a senior associate in August 2021.
Before joining RMI, Mia was a graduate student at the Yale School of the Environment, where her work included supporting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change chapter on mitigation in urban systems and other settlements. Prior to graduate school, Mia worked for the City of Portland, Oregon, assessing greenhouse gas emissions for the 2015 Climate Action Plan. She also worked as a community organizer for three years with 350 PDX, the Portland chapter of 350.org.
MEM, Climate Change Science and Solutions/Energy and the Environment, Yale School of the Environment
BA, Environmental Studies, Economics, Reed College
Los Angeles, CA