MPG for Homes

MPG for Homes is creating transparency in the real estate market by supporting the availability of energy information for every home in the U.S.

What Is MPG for homes?

MPG for Homes is changing how the real estate industry works, and how people think about home purchases and rentals. While most homeowners want an energy efficient home, they have no real way of knowing how a house performs. We are working to advance the availability of energy information for every home in the U.S. and put that information where people already go to learn about their homes: online real estate portals.

Why It Matters

One key to changing markets is by making the right information available to consumers. Energy costs are an important part of home ownership, yet most people have no easy way to estimate it. Nor do they have any idea what energy upgrades might be needed when they move into a home. By making energy performance and cost easy to find when people are comparing homes, the conversation around real estate changes.

What We’re Doing

We are working with real estate portals and the services that provide energy estimates to make home energy information more widely available. We are defining best practices for this emerging service, and we are facilitating partnerships between different industry leaders so that taking action on the information becomes more convenient.

Our Partners

Clearly Energy










Is There a Trade-off with Transparency? A Deep Dive into Automated Home Energy Estimates, 2018

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An MPG For Homes: Accuracy and Application of Automated Home Energy Estimates, 2018

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An MPG for Homes: Driving Visible Value for Home Energy Performance in Real Estate, 2017

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MPG for Homes—The Quest for the Best, 2017

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The Race to the Top in Home Energy Performance Data: Why It Pays to Go First, 2017

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A Leap Ahead for Energy Efficient Homes Down Under, 2017

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Residential Energy+ and Transparency: Making value visible for home energy performance, 2015

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