Will You Act Today?

With you, we can think bigger, act boldly, and scale globally, and bring about the clean energy solutions that the world needs most more quickly than ever before. Are you ready to join with RMI?



A better energy future starts with a new vision of what's possible—based on robust research and analysis to ensure the transition is economically beneficial, and technologically feasible.


The bold action of influential change-agents can transform our energy landscape. You can take the following actions to do your part:

1. Encourage your city leaders to lead on climate: Share the Carbon-Free City Handbook with your local leaders including Mayors, Sustainability Directors—providing 22 ready-to-deploy recommendations that can align climate goals with economic development, resilience, and health using our easy-to-share letter and email. Send your city leader an email

2. Improve the performance of your home: Download the home energy performance guide, co-developed by Participant Media, Paramount Pictures, and RMI to see what measures can get you started on a pathway toward energy savings under your own roof. Learn more


Meeting the global climate challenge head-on requires that we scale quickly beyond individual people, companies, cities, or countries. Here's how you can help:

1. Join our Thunderclap Campaign: And tell your social networks that you are part of the clean energy revolution. Learn more


Thank you for taking action in your own backyard to encourage climate leadership. Below is draft content to send an email or letter to local leaders. Follow these steps to be eligible for an honorary membership to Rocky Mountain Institute’s Solutions Council.

STEP 1: Find the contact information for your local leader(s) including—but not limited to—your mayor, council-member(s), or sustainability director.

STEP 2: If you’re sending an email, copy and paste the content below (with your desired personalization) into the email body. Be sure to copy cities@rmi.org on the email to be entered
into our drawing, and enable follow-up if applicable.


If you are sending a letter, copy and paste the content below into your letter. Upon sending, notify us at cities@rmi.org.

STEP 3 (extra credit): Celebrate your action on social media with the following post:
I just took bold action to lead on climate by sharing 22 no-regrets actions with [city leader name] that [city name] can take to move toward carbon neutrality. Will you? info.rmi.org/Think_Act_Scale_onClimate


Subject: [city] should act for climate resilience and economic health

Dear [name],

As a member of the [city/town name] community, it is important to me that we take an active role to become more resilient, economically secure, healthy, and vibrant by acting on climate.

City climate leadership has become the norm, rather than the exception. Nearly 600 cities—representing 444-million people—have made climate commitments to the Compact of Mayors. This momentum has led to growing set of city resources on policies, projects, and practices that are successfully moving the needle in mitigating carbon emissions while benefiting their populations.

The top examples have been collected by Rocky Mountain Institute in The Carbon-Free City Handbook—a new resource for city leaders around the world to take real and meaningful action toward their commitments with 22 ready-to-implement, no-regrets solutions that have proven success. Each recommendation draws off the work of more than 50 city leaders and sustainability directors and is a meaningful action that almost any city can pursue and apply locally, seeing results within a year.

I ask that you read The Handbook, which is available online at https://rmi.org/insight/the-carbon-free-city-handbook/ where there’s also associated case studies and action-oriented resources for immediate download.

Then, please consider which actions our city can take within the next year to show leadership to our community and the country, and take the necessary steps to improve our economy, environment, and quality of life.

If you have any questions or would like to follow up, please contact the team at Rocky Mountain Institute at cities@rmi.org.


[your name]

[contact info as desired]