State Clean Energy Economy Opportunity

What does solving climate change look like? A clean energy future can be tough to visualize in detail, so we made graphics that show the clean energy opportunity in twenty-two U.S. states. From Washington to Florida, it’s now possible to discover what we can expect in a clean, prosperous, net-zero carbon future.

View + download the graphics below

Our State Solutions Graphics show how states can both produce and use more clean electricity and fuels, helping cut emissions in the process. With details specific to each state, the graphics illustrate the technology and infrastructure elements in four key sectors — in electricity, industry, transportation, and buildings — and how they combine to transform the whole energy economy.

Most importantly, the graphics highlight the beneficial human impacts promised by this transition. These include an increase in new clean economy jobs, billions saved through avoided deaths, reductions in asthma attacks due to cleaner air, and the opportunity to attract massive amounts of federal dollars to each state. Read our article to learn more.

To view and download, click below for a clearer view on what a resilient, healthy, and prosperous future can look like in each state. Each state's graphic is available with and without detailed solutions information, including the estimated investment and deployment level of each clean technology through 2050.

For data sources and documentation, click here.

Click on a state to view and download the graphics.

This work was made possible by generous support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The opinions and views of the authors do not necessarily state or reflect those of our funders.