Leia Guccione to Join Rocky Mountain Institute’s Senior Leadership
Leia Guccione continues her work with Rocky Mountain Institute as managing director of RMI’s Electricity Program.
Boulder, CO – September 27, 2019 – Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is pleased to announce that Leia Guccione will be assuming the role of managing director of RMI’s Electricity Program. Guccione will be drawing on over 16 years of experience in the energy and engineering sector, of which 7 were spent with RMI partnering with the power sector to develop and deploy solutions to support the rapid transition to a low-carbon electricity system to power a secure, prosperous and equitable US economy.
“While at RMI, Leia has employed an expansive set of strategies to accelerate the transformation of the US electricity system,” said RMI CEO Jules Kortenhorst. “We are excited to have Leia join our senior leadership and continue to offer her expertise to help RMI achieve a low-carbon future.”
Guccione currently oversees a body of work to inform utility regulators and state agencies of policy solutions for a clean energy future, in addition to providing them with unique process design and facilitation assistance as they develop and execute reforms and initiatives to implement these solutions.
“I am thrilled and honored by this new appointment and so grateful to be part of such an incredible team at RMI. I look forward to continuing to lead RMI’s electricity program as we continue our work to create a clean energy future through the transformation of the US power sector,” said Guccione.
Guccione joined RMI in 2012 as a senior associate in the Electricity Program. Her focus has been on employing an expansive set of strategies to accelerate the transformation of the US electricity system. She has supported multiple engagements with utilities, with an emphasis on improving utility innovation programs, pilots and demonstrations.
Guccione also contributed to the growth of RMI’s Electricity Innovation Lab (e–Lab), a unique ongoing collaboration of leading electricity industry actors to develop, implement and spread new solutions. Guccione specifically led the design and development of e–Lab’s annual Accelerator and Summit programs. She has also led engagements with corporations and cities to support them in their procurement and deployment of renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced energy solutions such as microgrids.
Before joining RMI, Guccione served in the US Navy as a nuclear-trained surface warfare officer and continues to serve in the US Navy Reserve. She graduated from Iowa State University with degrees in mechanical engineering and political science and has a Master of Science in sustainable development from the University of London. She is a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Colorado.
Guccione will start her role as managing director of RMI on October 1, 2019.
Media inquiries please contact
Nick Steel, Media Relations Manager, media@rmi.org
About Rocky Mountain Institute
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)—an independent nonprofit founded in 1982—transforms global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future. It engages businesses, communities, institutions, and entrepreneurs to accelerate the adoption of market-based solutions that cost-effectively shift from fossil fuels to efficiency and renewables. RMI has offices in Basalt and Boulder, Colorado; New York City; the San Francisco Bay Area; Washington, D.C.; and Beijing.
More information on RMI can be found at www.rmi.orghttps://rmi.org or follow us on Twitter @RockyMtnInst.