Trevor Drake

Project Manager at Great Plains Institute

Trevor Drake joined the Great Plains Institute in 2013 and is a Project Manager who splits his time between work on Solar Energy and Utility Business Model Innovation. His current projects include managing the e21 Initiative and supporting a cohort of 8 Greater Minnesota cities and counties seeking to reduce barriers to Solar PV deployment within their jurisdictions.

Trevor is a current staff member of Minnesota’s Clean Energy Resource Teams, which help communities understand and implement clean energy technologies and practices, and a former staff member of RE-AMP, a network of over 175 nonprofits and foundations across eight Midwestern states working on climate change and energy policy with the goal of reducing global warming pollution economy-wide 80% by 2050.

Most recently, Trevor worked with a team of local governments in Minnesota to launch the first ever joint purchase of community solar garden subscriptions for public buildings – totaling 35 Megawatts across 25 government entities.