Taku Ide

Taku Ide is a former Principal at RMI’s Industry Practice, where he led the institute’s efforts to reduce methane emissions from the global oil and gas industry alongside Cate Hight. Cate and Taku worked with methane data scientists, oil and gas operators, regulators, purchasers and consumers to establish market-based mechanisms that improved the industry’s climate performance and enable natural gas to serve as an environmentally responsible bridge fuel in the global transition to renewable energy.


Before joining RMI, Taku founded Koveva in 2011, who worked closely with leading companies in both the oil and gas and coal sectors to minimize their methane emissions from their operations. Koveva developed a standardized protocol to Map, Monitor, and Mitigate methane emissions (3M Protocol), leaning heavily from his team’s experience in reducing methane emissions related risks from operations in the San Juan Basin, Colorado. At RMI, Taku will continue to work with Koveva’s clients, who are located in the U.S., Australia, and India, to help reduce their methane emissions and carbon footprint from their supply chain. Prior to launching Koveva in 2011, Taku earned both his M.S. and Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from Stanford University, where he focused on GHG emissions reduction, modeling subsurface methane flow in underground coal seam reservoirs, and quantification of methane and carbon dioxide emissions from the San Juan Basin. His research appears in a number of peer reviewed journals, and he is the lead author of a U.S. Patent that disrupts the flow of fugitive methane emissions towards underground coal fires.


PhD., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University

BS, Chemical Engineering, Stanford University


Basalt, CO

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