skeeta carasco

Skeeta Carasco

  • Global South

Skeeta is a manager on the Climate Finance Access Network within RMI’s Global South Program. She assists select Caribbean governments to access finance and structure finance for priority mitigation and adaptation projects. She is a part of CFAN’s cohort of climate finance advisors who conduct climate finance workshops for civil servants, building lasting capacity in countries.


Skeeta previously worked as an economist and manager in Saint Lucia’s utility regulatory sector. She worked with the energy regulator implementing initiatives aimed at advancing Saint Lucia’s energy transition. In this role, she worked to secure finance from multilateral institutions supporting key regulatory interventions and was part of the team supporting RMI on Saint Lucia’s micro-grid and battery storage project. She also undertook and presented research encouraging Caribbean utility regulators to incentivize utilities to build resilience to natural disasters and increase distributed generation.

Skeeta previously worked in research and development at Saint Lucia’s Investment Promotion Agency, where she supported efforts to attract foreign exchange through foreign direct investment in Saint Lucia. She served as an intern at the Central Bank of Barbados, where she undertook research on foreign exchange reserves in the Caribbean.

  • MSc, Economics, University of the West Indies St. Augustine
  • BSc, Economics (major) and Accounting (major), University of the West Indies St. Augustine