Laura is a senior associate with the Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN) and the Catalytic Climate Capital (C3) teams. She also manages the Women in Renewable Energy (WIRE) Network. She primarily works on Caribbean programming.
Prior to these roles, Laura supported the Energy Transition Academy’s Global Fellowship Program.
Prior to joining RMI, Laura served as the first sustainability coordinator for DeKalb County, GA, establishing a framework for sustainability programs and climate policy through an equity lens. Her academic and prior career experiences focused on the nexus of climate science with marginalized communities through local governments, climate policy, and community-based mentorship and knowledge-building programs. She is keenly interested in climate solutions as a means to accelerate social justice.
Outside of work, Laura enjoys hiking, cooking, and reading. She is the creator and host of ECO CHIC, an eco-conscious lifestyle podcast primarily aimed at millennial women, hosted by iHeartRadio.
BS, Biology and Environmental Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
MS, Climate Science and Solutions, Northern Arizona University
Boulder, CO