Edward is a former director with RMI’s Africa, Islands, and Southeast Asia Program. He focused on sub-Saharan Africa, where he has overseen the program’s work in Ethiopia and Malawi. Over the last decade he has led engineering teams to develop solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy around the world.
Prior to joining RMI, Edward founded and led an energy consultancy cooperative in Brazil, which has become a leading regional advisor on energy efficiency and distributed generation for governments and major organizations.
Previous work included developing national energy efficiency action plans in industry and buildings; founding a program to develop building energy benchmarks; and launching an efficient cities initiative in Brazil. He has also led teams auditing or commissioning dozens of large buildings and industries. Earlier in his career, Edward helped launch an innovative green building business in London, where he developed award-winning domestic efficiency solutions and built the UK’s first Passivhaus retrofits.
BA (Hons), Engineering, University of Cambridge
MEng, Engineering (Energy and Environment), University of Cambridge
CEng MCIBSE, Chartered Engineer
Madrid, Spain