Ari Kahn

  • Carbon-Free Transportation

At RMI, Ari focuses on increasing medium and heavy-duty truck electrification. He has a particular focus in removing barriers to EV adoption, including through managed charging, solar and battery deployment, and flexible utility grid connections that unlock power on today’s grid.


Ari has spent twelve years working to increase electric vehicles (EV) adoption, including at the New York City Mayor’s Office, and at Con Edison. As the Mayor of New York’s Electric Vehicle Policy Advisor, Ari tackled early EV market barriers through public awareness campaigns, installing hundreds of publicly accessible chargers, and changing building codes to enable future infrastructure. At Con Edison, Ari created new business partnerships and the City’s first curbside charging program, fast charging incentives, and the nation’s first vehicle to grid deployment using new school buses.


Ari has an MBA from Yale University.