Andrew is a manager on RMI’s Africa Energy Program. He leads the REA-RMI Energizing Agriculture Program, which proves and scales productive uses of renewable electricity in Nigerian agriculture. He also supports sub-Saharan Africa’s growing minigrid sector through data analysis and modeling, including projects to predict customer electricity demand and model minigrid-powered EVs.
Andrew received his PhD from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. His graduate work reframed the climate challenge as an opportunity to rebuild energy systems to benefit those harmed by global inequality. He examined this opportunity through two sustainable energy technologies—bioenergy and miniature electricity grids—and published academic work spanning food security, land use, cellulosic ethanol, and rural electrification.
PhD, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College
BS, University of Missouri, Columbia
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and Thayer Special Faculty Award for Engineering and Service to Humanity