e-Lab Inside
Through e–Lab Inside, we support productive problem-solving and ideation at your organization’s workshop or meeting with tested methods for convening and rapid-prototyping, and with content expertise based on the research and consulting collaborations of our broader electricity practice.
Why It Matters
Many of e-Lab’s most impactful efforts, including analytical and strategic support of regulatory commissioners and utility executives, assistance with the design and execution of on-the-ground projects such as microgrids or community energy planning, and the identification of truly pressing research topics, have all emerged from relationships forged in the e-Lab Network.
What We’re Doing
To understand your particular needs and provide tailored support we provide phone calls with RMI staff, facilitated introductions to experts in the field, and in-person convenings and research.
Who’s Involved
While priority is given to partner organizations and individuals in the e-Lab Network, we invite anyone to submit inquiries or requests for support from e-Lab staff and RMI.