solar panels along river with wind turbines in background

Engage & Act

Climate-conscious investors who see the once-in-a-generation opportunity of the clean energy revolution now have both a reliable place to find targeted data and insights and a team of experts to help them guide the business practices of investor-owned utilities to realize the full potential of the energy transition.

To meet global climate targets, the US electricity sector must meet twice the electricity demand with a fraction of the emissions by 2035. This will require about $3 trillion of investment raised by utilities from public debt and equity markets. The Inflation Reduction Act has provided tools that could make such a rapid transition affordable, equitable, and just. However, current emissions targets aren’t ambitious enough to achieve climate alignment, and utility resource plans lag even further behind.




Engage with the Data

RMI has the insights stakeholders need to empower this rapid change to a safer climate. We will provide timely, comprehensive data and analytics on the implied emissions and climate alignment of utility resource plans. With RMI’s unique capabilities, we can identify and quantify which utilities are on track to achieve adequate progress, and which utilities have plans that do not move quickly enough.

Act with Purpose

Combined with engagement support, Engage & Act’s unique data and insights will empower investors and other key stakeholders to create plans that rapidly reduce emissions while minimizing ratepayer costs and creating higher earnings potential for the investor-owned utility.

Climate Alignment Data
  • Historical and projected emissions
  • Climate-aligned decarbonization trajectory*
  • Resource mix by technology
Thought Leadership
RMI publications from data-driven research to commentary focused on energy transition risks and opportunities for US electric utilities
Research and Analysis Collaborations
Additional publication collaborations with partners on mutually beneficial topics that leverage RMI expertise
Access to RMI experts for one-on-one meetings and education
Engagement Support
One-on-one support meetings for investors to prepare for upcoming utility engagement meetings

*Decarbonization path based on the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 scenario from IEA World Energy Outlook

For insights, to sign up for updates, or to request a meeting for bespoke projects, please fill out this form.

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