windmill and solar panels on a farm

Webinar – Growing the Green Fertilizer Market

  • Thu, July 25
  • 9-10 a.m. MT
  • Virtual

About This Event

Fertilizer plays a significant role in modern agriculture, bolstering crop yields to meet the demands of a growing global population. However, the fertilizer industry is highly emissions intensive. Momentum is building in the green fertilizer space to balance the benefits of fertilizer with more sustainable practices. The first US distributed green ammonia project was commissioned this summer and several more green ammonia projects are under development.

This webinar discusses trends in the ammonia sector, benefits of distributed green ammonia for farmers, and challenges to overcome to accelerate adoption. The session will feature a short presentation from key actors in the green fertilizer space followed by a group panel discussion.


TJ Kirk

Manager Climate-Aligned Industries, RMI (moderator)

Hiro Iwanaga

Co-founder and CEO, Talus Renewables

Dan Holmes

President North America, Atlas Agro

Bryce Hample

Sr. Associate, U.S. Policy and Advocacy, Breakthrough Energy

Paul Beamer

Bioeconomy Program Manager, Minnesota Deptartment of Agriculture

Ariel Kagan

Climate and Working Lands Program Director, Minnesota Farmer’s Union