Webinar – The Green Ammonia Innovation Ecosystem

  • Wed, February 19
  • 10:00-11:00 a.m. ET
  • Virtual

About This Event

Green ammonia isn’t a dining room topic, but maybe it should be.

This webinar explores innovation within the green ammonia space, highlighting large corporate case studies and groundbreaking startups developing low-carbon solutions such as water electrolysis, plasma-catalytic synthesis, or technologies that can work at much lower temperature and pressure. It also details how entities like RMI’s Third Derivative are accelerating innovation in the field.

This is the second webinar in the joint series, The Journey to a Green Ammonia Future, hosted by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) and RMI exploring the shift to sustainable ammonia production.

The first webinar in the series, “Accelerating Green Ammonia: Purposes and Priorities,” was hosted by IFA and held in December, 2024.
