Building Global Grids to Unlock a Renewable Future

  • Sat, December 2
  • 2:00-3:00 p.m. GST (GMT+4)
  • In-person
  • Expo City Dubai, Blue Zone, COP28, Dubai, UAE

About This Event

The Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI), founded by His Majesty King Charles III in 2020, has become the “go-to” global private sector organization on sustainable transition. RMI’s Ije Okeke will be speaking at this event to launch SMI’s report, “Unlocking Grids in Africa,” in the COP28 Business & Philanthropy Forum hosted by the UNFCCC. Requiring US $21 trillion in investments globally by 2050, electricity grids are paramount for unlocking renewables. With a specific reference to the Global South and Africa, this session explores challenges with securing funding, the need for stronger private sector leadership, innovation, and a focus on people and communities.

For full program information for the COP28 Business & Philanthropy Forum click here. Registration is now closed.


Ije Ikoku Okeke

Managing Director, Global South

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