Embodied Carbon Cities Policy Toolkit
This resource library was made in partnership with C40 Cities.
Environmental Justice and Embodied Carbon
Explore best practices for developing a meaningful community engagement and co-ownership process for establishing embodied carbon reduction goals and policies.
The Greenlining Institute Workbook:
The Greenlining Institute created a workbook for city officials on equity questions to consider when creating policy, including embodied carbon policy.
Government Alliance on Race and Equity:
GARE is a national network of governments working together to provide racial equity and advanced opportunities for everyone.
The Color of Law:
This is a book detailing the history of segregation in housing in the United States and its connection with inequities as realized today.
Making Equity Real in Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience Policies:
The Greenlining Institute created a guidebook for city officials to prioritize the climate adaptation and community resilience needs of frontline communities and address the historical disregard they experienced.
Please reach out to RMI and C40 Cities for other embodied carbon resources to support your city’s efforts to lead the reduction of embodied carbon in construction:
- Chris Magwood, cmagwood@rmi.org
- Cécile Faraud, cfaraud@c40.org
This resource library was inspired by a 2022 workshop series co-hosted by C40 and RMI for city officials seeking to implement embodied carbon reduction strategies. The resources included in the library were shared by the workshop attendee group and were developed the following organizations: American Institute of Architects, Architecture 2030, Architects Declare, Athena Sustainable Materials Institute, Buildings as Material Banks, Builders for Climate Action, Building Transparency, Carbon Leadership Forum, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, EHDD, Government Alliance on Race and Equity, Greenlining Institute, Mantle Developments, New Buildings Institute, OneClick LCA, Pacific Coast Collaborative, Sustainable Procurement Pledge, and the following municipalities: Austin, TX; Baltimore, MD; Boulder, CO; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Houston, TX; London, England; Milan, Italy; Phoenix, AZ; Portland, OR; San Francisco, CA; San Antonio, TX; Seattle, WA; Toronto, Canada; and Vancouver, Canada.