Colorado Induced Travel Calculator
This calculator allows users to estimate the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) induced annually as a result of adding general-purpose, high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV), or high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane miles to roadways managed in Colorado’s urbanized areas. It also allows users to estimate the subsequent emissions impact. The annual induced VMT estimates reflect the long-term (5–10 year) impacts of the road expansion. The calculator applies to roadways with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) functional classifications of 1, 2, or 3, corresponding to interstate highways, other freeways and expressways, and other principal arterials, respectively.
The calculator outputs a reasonable estimate for long-term VMT induced at the appropriate order of magnitude for a given area. It is not intended as a substitute for more granular traffic modeling or simulations—but rather as a tool that can effectively translate well-established induced travel demand elasticities to analysis of road expansion impacts.
How to Use
To obtain an induced VMT and emissions impact estimate for a roadway capacity expansion project, enter the project length (in lane miles added) and geography.
For more background on our analysis, please view the methodology. This tool was developed with support from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The information and opinions expressed in this tool are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NRDC.
The online version of the tool was programmed by BlinkTag Inc.