Net-Zero Carbon Buildings, Districts, and Portfolios

We are demonstrating the unique values driven by net-zero carbon buildings and districts as a way to drive competitive advantage, and as a key mechanism to economically support the global transition to clean, renewable energy.

What Is Scaling NZC?

We are driving massive market growth for net-zero carbon districts that provide a compelling financial case across stakeholder groups, including developers, owners, tenants and occupants. These districts drive new sources of value, lead the market, and support the global transition to clean, renewable energy.

Why It Matters

There is an urgent need to cut emissions from the buildings sector as a means to mitigate climate change. Net-zero energy buildings are critical, yet they have not yet achieved market penetration and they need to be carefully integrated with the grid to maximize benefits to all. District-scale developments represent a relatively small niche in the buildings industry, but provide a powerful impact model to test and develop site-scale net-zero energy solutions that link energy generation with end uses and achieve exponential levels of efficiency.

Who We’re Working With

We work with leading real estate owners and developers to guide teams to integrative solutions for individual buildings, developments, and districts in the U.S. and in China.

What We’re Doing

RMI partners with leading real estate owners and developers to drive economical, market-ready solutions to deliver net-zero carbon goals, providing technical and financial analysis to support innovative, occupant-centric developments.



Best Practices for Achieving Zero Over Time for Building Portfolios

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