glass building exteriors


neighborhood suburban homes

New York Set to Pioneer a Move to New All-Electric Buildings

The New York State Legislature is poised to take a leadership role nationwide by requiring all-electric new construction across the state. This comes on the heels of local all-electric legislation in New York City, which passed in December 2021.

EU Looks to Cut Reliance on Russian Gas with New Investment in Heat Pumps

One-fourth of Europe’s energy comes from natural gas, nearly 40 percent of which is imported from Russia. As European countries take swift action to de-risk their gas supply and ramp up alternative sources, the alternatives they choose will have significant climate implications.

Philadelphia waterfront view of city

What’s a Gas Utility Without Gas?

The Philadelphia City Council will hold a public hearing this week to discuss the future of Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW), the country’s largest municipally owned gas utility.