Mitigating Landfill Methane: A Memo Series

US Federal Policy and Analysis
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US Federal Policy and Analysis informs policy using RMI’s non-partisan technoeconomic analyses and insights

What It Is
For the past four decades, RMI has provided technical assistance and education for policymakers across the United States. RMI’s federal policy efforts centralize this work to advance clean energy with congressional leaders and federal agencies. Specifically, we seek to advance federal policies and programs that promote beneficial electrification—using clean electricity to efficiently electrify end-uses cost-effectively and with consumer benefits.

Why It Matters
Federal policy is a significant and critical lever to accelerate US climate action and is required to decarbonize the economy at the speed and scale necessary to limit warming to 1.5°C and build a sustainable economy. RMI’s federal policy efforts ensure that key federal government decision makers have the latest analysis and policy ideas at the right time to effectively advance beneficial electrification.

What We Are Doing
RMI’s federal policy work includes:
- Monitoring and participating in key national policy development activities, including live policy conversations, collaborative efforts, and strategic briefings
- Providing specific policy ideas by distilling and sharing key findings from RMI’s technoeconomic analysis across sectors of society
- Supporting a quick response function to nimbly react to requests, opportunities, and needs as they emerge

Who's Involved
RMI’s US federal policy efforts cross all sectors of the economy and include representatives from each RMI global program. We work across the political spectrum with other mission-aligned non-profit organizations, private sector stakeholders, and government leaders.
Breaking Down the Inflation Reduction Act. Program by Program. Incentive by Incentive.
Financing Tools for an Equitable Transition to a Clean Economy
Simple Tax Changes Can Unleash Clean Energy Deployment
Strategic Tax Credits to Decarbonize Buildings
How Congress Can Accelerate Zero-Emissions Homes
Getting Climate Policy Right in the Infrastructure Bills
The US Needs Urgent Federal Climate Policy—RMI Has Some Ideas
RMI’s US Federal Climate Policy Imperatives
US Stimulus Strategy
US City Stimulus
Coming Back Stronger
Signs of Hope for US Federal Climate Action in 2021
Six Key Policies for Cutting Emissions in the Latest Climate Bill