Lauren Forman

Lauren Forman

Development Events and Engagement Manager
  • Development

Lauren supports the Donor Marketing & Communications Team to manage donor-facing communications at RMI, as well as virtual (and live) events. She works closely with the development marketing director and frontline fundraisers and program specialists.


Lauren brings more than 10 years of experience in nonprofit management, marketing, and event production to RMI. Before RMI, she was the Executive Director of the Chris Klug Foundation (CKF), educating and advocating for lifesaving organ, eye, and tissue donation. She was fascinated by the cause and was able to expand on communications, donor engagement, and event production in the role. Prior to CKF, Lauren worked for the City of Aspen developing events in the historic Wheeler Opera House. In the year-round performance venue, she produced concerts, festivals, film screenings, and symposia.


B.A., Communications, College of Saint Rose


Basalt, CO