Hao is a manager with RMI’s Climate Intelligence Program, which leverages data and innovative technology to support the decarbonization of industrial supply chains. She focuses on the market activation efforts of the Horizon Zero project, collaborating with a global network of NGOs, academics, policymakers, financial institutions, and businesses to scale up carbon accounting practices and enable emissions reductions in some of the highest emitting industrial sectors.
Before joining RMI, Hao was a climate and energy efficiency specialist with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), where she worked with developing countries to help bring in energy-efficient and climate-friendly products to their markets. She contributed to the development of comprehensive policy roadmaps and tools, capacity building, and communication and engagement activities. She was also responsible for establishing the first-of-its-kind Africa Centre of Excellence of Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain (ACES) in Kigali, Rwanda.
M.S., International Development, Sciences Po Paris
B.A., Education, Shanghai International Studies University