eLab Accelerator 2016
Drive Evergreen
Portland, Oregon, USA- June 29, 2016: The headquarters for Daimler Trucks in Portland, Oregon offers employees access to a small fleet of electric cars to promote environmentally friendly and flexible commute options.
Project Objective
Expanded the use of electric vehicles, including among low-income and minority drivers, with a managed network of charging infrastructure that supports grid balancing of renewable energy.
Team Members
Jan McFarland, Program Director, Sonoma Clean Power
Geof Syphers, CEO, Sonoma Clean Power
Samveg Saxena PhD, Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
John Goodin, Regulatory Policy Manager, California Independent System Operator
Suzanne Smith, Sonoma County Transportation Authority
Cordel Stillman, Deputy Chief Engineer, Sonoma County Water Agency
Project Description
Drive EverGreen is Sonoma County’s electric vehicle program to get 10,000 additional EVs on the road in Sonoma County by the end of 2020 and manage charging to help balance California’s electric grid. The program will use broad-based efforts to add charging infrastructure, public education, marketing and promotions, and has three objectives: Support the State of California’s effort to reduce petroleum fuel use 50 percent by 2030. Accelerate the shift to electric vehicles to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions by making EVs more convenient, visible and accessible to a wide range of drivers, including low income. Create a flexible resource that allows for the active management of charging 10,000 EVs. This network will shape demand to help reduce energy costs and support grid balancing as California moves toward 50 percent renewable electricity.
Progress Made to Date (pre-Accelerator)
Program elements identified. Significant research in progress on demographics, local attitudes toward EVs, dealer experience surveys, vehicle ownership and DMV registration data, OEM vehicle development, security protocols for managed charging signals, distribution utility permitting and rules, and related topics. Introductions to several potential funding partners. Initial program budget identified and reviewed. Some account holders of potential site locations have been approached, and scoping conversations are underway. Modeling of grid value through load shaping has begun.
Project Background Information
California’s mandate for 1.5 million EVs by 2025: https://www.opr.ca.gov/docs/Governor's_Office_ZEV_Action_Plan_(02-13).pdf California’s Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative: www.pevcollaborative.org/policy-makers Sonoma Clean Power: http://sonomacleanpower.org Sonoma County Transportation Authority: http://scta.ca.gov
Post-Accelerator Outcomes
At Accelerator, the team explored different mobility futures, which could positively or negatively impact their developed program. This was done in order to determine which program elements could be no regrets components to their initiative. From there, leveraging a significant amount of faculty input, the team developed a program straw man, incorporating funding and business model components that would enable scaling towards a broader mobility transformation for Sonoma County and the surrounding region. A preliminary communications framework emerged from this work as well. Lastly the team then pivoted to mapping out a twelve month work plan outlining quarterly activities, deliverables and activity leads. The team's main priorities upon returning to Sonoma will be to set up an EV bulk purchasing program and establish an employer charging program.