Building a strategy to support legislators to accelerate renewable energy standards at the state level across the country.

eLab Accelerator Teams 2017
2017 TEAMS
e–Lab Accelerator projects tackle unique challenges that—when solved—can help drive the entire industry forward. Accelerator 2017 brought together projects focused on the following themes:
- New Business Models: Projects explore new utility business models, market structures, and regulatory efforts focused on optimizing the value of distributed energy resources (DERs) for all stakeholders
- DER Value Creation: Projects tackle new rate designs, compensation mechanisms (e.g. PACE financing, net metering reform, etc.), deployment strategies, and customer engagement programs focused on creating value streams for DERs (e.g. distributed solar, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, etc.)
- Microgrids & More: Projects demonstrate or pilot innovative local, community-based DER solutions such as microgrids, downtown clean energy zones, net-zero districts, climate action planning, community solar projects, and others
Further information on teams that attended Accelerator 2016 can be found by following the links below.
Accelerating the CPSC project and create a repeatable model and framework for other critical facilities to implement microgrids in the future.
Developing a replicable business model to expand access to solar energy for all customers and become a driver for economic development and environmental benefits within the community.
Developing an implementation plan for significantly reducing peak energy costs and the risk of stranded distribution assets, especially focusing on areas of load growth and capital investments.
Creating a robust plan for an electric bus program for the New York City MTA that addresses key barriers to pilot success and scalability.
Developing a new public EV charging rate based on the data provided by team members regarding charging behavior, site host characteristics, and grid needs.
Providing factual and complete information to enhance policy decision making so technical grid integration and modernization issues are not a barrier to reliable, economic and lower GHG futures.
Developing a roadmap of the activities and outcomes necessary to engage stakeholders in defining the utility of the future for Illinois.
Advancing electric vehicle policy in Minnesota by identifying near-term policy priorities and developing a strategic plan for policy roll-out.
Developing an innovative DER-based solution to an identified reliability need near Jack London Square in downtown Oakland.
Designing a replicable, neighborhood-scale planning process for identifying and prioritizing sites for solar-plus-storage (s+s) valued by stakeholders.
Developing a scalable framework to integrate and compensate all forms of DERs that provide benefits to the grid or other customers.
Scale Sun Shares is a model to bring solar to low- and moderate-income wage-earning employees through employer benefits programs.