
Smart Parking Solutions Can Transform Our Cities
When deployed as a system, smart parking reduces car emissions in urban centers and permits cities to carefully manage their parking supply.

A High-Renewables Tomorrow, Today: Samsø, Denmark
On a small island off the coast of Denmark, a group of potato farmers have turned into power brokers, owning the wind turbines that have made their island a net energy producer.

Trading Four Wheels for Two
Leaving your car home just twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 1,600 pounds each year. In fact, every mile you pedal instead of drive saves about one pound of carbon dioxide.

As far back as the 1973 Arab oil embargo, natural gas has been considered as a transportation fuel—and understandably so since it burns cleaner than oil. A recent boom in domestic production offers tantalizingly low prices and the potential to ease U.S. dependence on foreign oil. However, like any alternative…

Doing Better in the Skies
According to AAA, an estimated 5.6 million Americans took to the skies this past year-end holiday season, defined as the 12-day period lasting December 22 through January 1. But unless you were flying into or out of a major hub, you probably weren’t rejoicing that you…