Report | 2021
Seeds of Opportunity
How Rural America Is Reaping Economic Development Benefits from the Growth of Renewables
Despite a turbulent start to the 2020s, an important and positive message for rural America is emerging in the decade ahead: rural communities have a significant opportunity to strengthen and diversify their local economies by embracing and actively engaging in the ongoing renewable energy transition.
By 2030, renewable energy capacity in the United States will at least double, and potentially grow by a factor of seven or higher if new policies are enacted to capitalize on continuing cost declines in wind and solar. As a result, rural communities—which host 99 percent of onshore wind and a growing share of utility-scale solar projects—stand to receive a sizable boost to their local economies. In fact, annual revenues from wind and solar projects could exceed $60 billion dollars by 2030—on par with expected revenues from the top three US agricultural commodities: corn, soy, and beef production.
This report quantifies the scale of the economic development opportunity from the growth of onshore wind and utility-scale solar projects in rural areas, and demonstrates what that means for communities through case studies of existing projects from three different regions. The report offers recommendations for local, state, and federal leaders to unlock this opportunity. In total, our analysis suggests that the approximately 600 GW of new wind and solar projected to be built between 2020 and 2030 would generate $220 billion in lifetime value across rural America.
Webinar: Seeds of Opportunity
Webinar: Seeds of Opportunity
Learn more about the benefits of renewable energy projects for the rural communities studied in this report. The “Seeds of Opportunity” webinar featured Judge Dusty Kilgore of Upton County, Texas, and Troy McCue of Lincoln County, Colorado, speaking with RMI’s Katie Siegner about their experiences with the wind and solar projects in their communities.
The webinar presentation slides are available here.