RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas
State Priority Climate Action Plans Assessment Spreadsheet
A review of the 47 state Priority Climate Action Plans submitted to the EPA as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program.
Smarter MODES Calculator: Smarter Mobility Options for Decarbonization, Equity, and Safety
RMI’s Smarter MODES Calculator quantifies the state-by-state economic, safety, climate, air quality benefits of pairing vehicle electrification with reducing vehicle miles traveled.
Navigating hundreds of federal funding opportunities can be overwhelming. Our funding tool, America’s Federal Funding Opportunities and Resources for Decarbonization (AFFORD), is designed to help you identify, compare, and prioritize federal funding, tax credits, and other incentives. This free tool is primarily intended to streamline public, non-profit, and community efforts to increase understanding of eligible funding and incentives that are relevant to your project, goals, and community.
E-Bike Environment and Economics Impact Assessment Calculator
RMI’s Assessment Calculator for Cities simplifies the process of assessing the impact of mode-shift from electric bikes (e-bikes) for policymakers, transportation officials, advocates, and other interested stakeholders.