Patrick O’Connell

Director of Planning and Resources for Public Service Company of New Mexico

Pat O’Connell is PNM’s Director of Planning and Resources. In that capacity, Mr. O’Connell directs PNM’s Integrated Resource Planning, which includes developing PNM’s generation resource plans and the regulatory filings to support those resource plans, including the annual renewable energy portfolio procurement plan and PNM’s every three year Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”).

This work includes travelling statewide to listen to stakeholder concerns and providing expert testimony to the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, Legislature committees and to other decision makers. Mr. O’Connell has worked for PNM for twenty years.


He graduated with distinction and magna cum laude in General Honors from the University of New Mexico in May 1990, with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New Mexico.