Clement Rames

Sustainable Mobility Systems Researcher at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Clement Rames is a passionate researcher exploring the energy-mobility nexus from a data-driven, human-centered perspective at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. His research aims to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and equitable mobility ecosystem, as well as understand and influence human behavior to create more livable cities.He is currently investigating the synergies between electrification, sharing, and automation which are rapidly disrupting the transportation system. Through the Advanced Fueling Infrastructure and Mobility Decision Science pillars of DOE’s SMART Mobility Consortium, he is collaborating with 4 other National Labs on modeling the energy impacts and infrastructure needs of electrifying TNCs.A citizen of the world, Clement has lived in multiple countries across Europe and America. Before joining NREL, he graduated with a Master’s of Engineering from the University of Bristol, and worked for an innovative sensors start-up and a renewable energy consultancy.