Book | 2011
Technology capital cost projections
Sources for Reinventing Fire Technology Capital Cost Projects Chart
The capital cost projects come from RMI analysis using learning curve theory, as detailed in:
McDonald, A., Schrattenholzer, L., 2001. “Learning rates for energy technologies.” Energy Policy 29 (4): 255–261.
Black & Veatch Corporation. 2008. Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative Final Report. Walnut Creek, California: Black & Veatch Corporation.
Lazard. 2009.Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis 3.0. February.
George E. Sancoucy, P.E., LLC. 2009. Levelized Cost of Electricity Associated with Out-of-City Renewable Energy Resources Considered Supply Candidates for the City and County of San Francisco CCA Program. September 2.
Electric Power Research Institute. 2009. Program on Technology Innovation: Integrated Generation Technology Options. Palo Alto, California.
Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative. 2005. Renewable Energy Technology Assessments. Hawaii.
The World Bank Group. 2006. Technical and Economic Assessment of Off-Grid, Mini-Grid, and Grid Electrification Technologies. September.
U.S. EIA. 2010. Annual Energy Outlook 2010: With Projections to 2035. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, April.
MIT. 2006. The Future of Geothermal Energy: Impact of EGS on the United States in the 21st Century. link
Heidinger, Philipp. 2010. “Integral modeling and financial impact of the geothermal situtaiton and power plant at Soultz-sous-Forets.” Comptes Rendus Geoscience 342 (7-8) (July): 626-635.
Bedard,R. et al. 2007. NAOES. Palo Alto, California: EPRI, March.
Carbon Trust. 2006. Results of the Marine Energy Challenge: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy. Future Marine Energy.
Bony, Lionel, Newman, Sam, and Doig, Stephen. 2010. Achieving Low-Cost Solar PV: Industry Workshop Recommendations for Near-Term Balance of System Cost Reductions. RMI. link
Navigant Consulting. 2008. Florida Renewable Energy Potential Assessment: Draft Report – Techical Potentials and Economic and Performance Characteristics. November 5.
San Diego Regional Renewable Energy Study Group. 2005. Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region: Appendix E: Solar Thermal – Concentrated Solar Power. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August.
Song, J. et al. 2009. The True Cost of Solar Power: Race to $1/W. Photon Consulting, LLC.
Stoddard, L., et al. 2006. Economic, Energy, and Environmental Benefits of Concentrating Solar Power in California. NREL, April.
U.S. EIA. 2009. Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Module Manufacturing Activities 2008. Washington, D.C.: U.S. DOE.
Wiser, R. et al. 2009. Tracking the Sun II: The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S from 1998-2008. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, October.
Cambridge Energy Research Associates. 2009. “Power Business Strategy: Navigating Economic and Political Cycles.” Presented to IHS CERA Global Power Forum Summit, October 20, Williamsburg, VA.
Anon. Joint Stipulation & Settlement Agreement. Oklahoma: Crossroads Wind Farm.
Electric Power Research Institute. 2009. Program on Technology Innovation: Integrated Generation Technology Options. Palo Alto, California.
EnerNex Corporation. 2011. Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study. Knoxville, Tennessee: NREL, February.
Georgia IT, and Southern Company. 2007. Southern Winds: Summary Project Report 2007. GA.
Navigant Consulting. 2008. Florida Renewable Energy Potential Assessment. Draft Report – Techical Potentials and Economic and Performance Characteristics. November 5.
Sarah Feinberg. 2010. “Wind Turbine Price Index.” Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
IEA WInd Energy: Annual Report 2009. International Energy Agency, July.
Wiser, Ryan, and Mark Bolinger. 2011. 2010 Wind Technologies Market Report. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, June. link