Webinar – Scaling Solar in Low-Income Communities with the Inflation Reduction Act

  • Virtual

About This Event

Scaling Solar in Low-Income Communities with the Inflation Reduction Act: The Role of Direct Pay and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF)

Following the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, tax-exempt entities now have a compelling opportunity to accelerate the adoption of solar energy technology in low-income communities by taking on the role of a third-party owner. This webinar provides a summary of a soon to be released primer on this model for interested tax-exempt entities, which might include Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), green banks, electric cooperatives, nonprofit organizations, and others.

This webinar is for you if you are Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund recipients or sub-recipients; part of a tax-exempt entity interested in supporting low-and-middle-income (LMI) solar, including cities, municipal utilities, CDFIs, and state energy offices; or anyone else interested in the nuts and bolts of bold new ideas about clean energy deployment in America.


Lynn Heller

Lynn Heller

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Climate Access Fund

Roger Horowitz

Roger Horowitz

Solar United Neighbors

Andy Posner

Andy Posner

Capital Good Fund


POWERPOINT: Scaling Solar in Low-Income Communities with the Inflation Reduction Act

Webinar presentation deck
