Amory Lovins

Soft Energy Paths for the 21st Century
Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked Amory Lovins to outline his reaction to the Fukushima disaster and his suggestions for Japanese and U.S. energy policy for its house magazine Gaiko (Diplomacy). An abridged version was published 30 July 2011 in Japanese and is cited in this unabridged English version. It’s…

Lovins GreenHome 1.0: Factor Ten Engineering Case Study
Amory Lovins’s state-of-the-art green home and indoor growing space at 7,100 feet is remarkably energy efficient, includes several renewable technologies, and has no conventional heating and cooling system. The building demonstrates several principles of factor-ten engineering. This paper provides a detailed case study of the building.

Freeing America from its Addiction to Oil
This article was originally published on CNN.com in 2010 and expands on Amory Lovins’ TED talk from 2005. In the article, Lovins describes the progress made since RMI’s 2004 book, Winning the Oil Endgame. In recent years, implementation of the ideas in Winning the Oil Endgame has accelerated, led largely…

Nuclear Socialism
In this article in The Weekly Standard, Amory Lovins explains why the current 100+% subsidies for new nuclear power plants are still unable to attract private capital, yet violate free-market principles, hazard utilities’ and taxpayers’ financial health, and should be abolished—along with all other energy subsidies.

Proliferation, Oil, and Climate: Solving for Pattern
In this essay, Amory Lovins discusses the problems of proliferation, oil, and climate. These three formidable problems, though treated as distinct, share common causes and solutions. New energy and climate solutions can strengthen security and prosperity by shifting strategy for the NPT Review Conference. Nuclear power’s astonishing eclipse by cheaper,…