Amory Lovins

Response to J.P.’s column “New numbers, same conclusion”
Dr. Charles R. Frank, Jr.’s May 2014 Brookings Institution Working Paper claimed that new nuclear and gas-fired power plants can displace coal plants’ carbon emissions far more cost-effectively than solar and windpower can. This claim was featured and endorsed in late July by a full-page Free exchange” article in The…

Unpublished letter to the Economist
Your lament for Europe’s money-losing electric utilities, pickled in their own brine, begs the question whether old, long-and often still-subsidized oligopolies should be bailed out or shielded from competition when they bet against innovation and lose. They were supposed, but failed, to prepare for renewables by reinvesting their hundreds of…

Global Energy Affairs
The current issue of Global Energy Affairs features two unique perspectives on nuclear energy. Amory Lovins highlights how Germany, unlike Japan, utilized its decision to abandon nuclear energy to create a revolution in efficiency and renewable energy. Malcolm Grimston contends that despite a highly favorable environment for nuclear development in…

Reinventing Fire: Three Energy Gamechangers for China and the World
In this article from China Policy Review, Amory Lovins and Jon Creyts discuss how three mutually reinforcing gamechangers have emerged as important enablers of China’s transition from fossil fuels to efficiency and renewables: 1) achieving oil-free mobility, 2) adopting integrative design for radical efficiency in buildings and industry, and 3)…

The Atlantic Mann Rebuttal
This article, published in RMISolutions, describes the efforts by RMI and Amory Lovins to work with the American military to combat energy waste. The potential energy savings available to the military are detailed. The article includes a section called, “All Energy Experts on Deck,” in which Lovins compares the design…