Amory Lovins
Reinventing Fire: Electricity
Executive Summary Electricity is the connective tissue of the information age, powering everything from smartphones to giant data centers and enabling virtually every transaction in daily life. Electricity is the lifeblood of both buildings (72 percent) and industry (28 percent). The U.S. electricity system is the greatest engineering achievement of…
Reinventing Fire
Built on 30 years of practice, Reinventing Fire roadmaps how to run a 158%-bigger US economy in 2050 needing no oil, coal, or nuclear energy — $5 trillion cheaper.
The Iranian Window of Opportunity
Iran’s Invisible Opportunity for Energy and Security: Modern energy investments could sideline nuclear ambiguity. Amory Lovins’s novel essay explains how helping and encouraging Iran to do what its key officials already want—harness its world-class resources of energy efficiency and renewables—could strengthen Iran’s economy, security, global integration, political evolution, and international…
Iran’s Invisible Opportunity for Energy and Security: Modern energy investments could sideline nuclear ambiguity
Amory Lovins’s novel essay explains how helping and encouraging Iran to do what its key officials already want—harness its world-class resources of energy efficiency and renewables—could strengthen Iran’s economy, security, global integration, political evolution, and international standing without compromising others’ similar goals. Using the next 10–15+ years’ severe restrictions on…