What Can We Do?
In this series published in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Amory Lovins joins three other atomic experts in discussing ideas for how to curb carbon dioxide emissions, reduce global temperatures, and sustain economic growth. Lovins’ proposed solution is to stop wasting energy. He points out that saving energy is cheaper…
Getting Off Oil
In this short article, Amory Lovins explains how investing in energy efficiency is good for business. He provides examples of businesses and government agencies transitioning to energy efficiency and innovation for a profit. He writes that a vision will form of a United States that can treat countries with oil…
What Can we Do to Fix the Climate Problem?
This is an expanded version of an article that was published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, in which Amory Lovins joins three other atomic experts in discussing ideas for how to curb carbon dioxide emissions, reduce global temperatures, sustain economic growth, and summon the necessary political leadership. Lovins’…
Gas Pains
In this letter to The Atlantic Monthly in response to an article by Robert Bryce, Amory Lovins discusses the American military’s fuel costs during the Iraq War between 2003 and 2005. Lovins argues that a solution to the high cost of fuel for military operations is highly energy efficient military…
More Profit with Less Carbon
In this article, originally published in Scientific American, Amory Lovins dispels the myth that protecting the earth’s climate will force a trade-off between the environment and the economy. Instead, he shows that efficiency is profitable. Focusing on energy efficiency improves the bottom line and yields many valuable side benefits. Whole-systems…