power lines and wind turbines over a solar field at sunset


Regulatory Tools and Processes for Distribution Planning

The session focused on the opportunities for e-Lab to fill a growing need of regulators and stakeholders for clearer insights about the system-level technical and economic effects of increasing adoption of distributed energy resources (DERs).

e-Lab Inducement Prize: Background Research

The purpose of this session was to further scope a potential project to launch an e-Lab “X-Prize” (name likely to be changed) that would offer a cash reward for solving a tough problem faced by the electricity sector related to e-Lab’s core issues. The group was very enthusiastic about the…

Rate Design for the Distribution Edge

In this session, participants discussed e-Lab’s latest work on the topic of electricity rate structures, as described in the recent e-Lab report Rate Design for the Distribution Edge. The discussion framed the need for an evolution towards more sophisticated rates and explored pathways and obstacles to implementation. Participants also sought…

Integrated Utility Service Model

This session reviewed the work that Fort Collins Utilities (FCU) did to develop a new business model titled, “Integrated Utility Services” (IUS). In the IUS model, the utility would deliver integrated packages of solar and efficiency to customers using on-bill repayment and delivering savings from day one. This business model…